The consumption of fish is ever increasing with a lot of people knowing more about the health benefits that come with eating the meat from the internet. To the beginners, it is not an easy thing to buy fresh fish. It can be hard to know if what is being sold to you by the mongers or in the supermarket is of good quality particularly if you are doing it for your very first time. If you don’t have experience of buying fresh meat, there are some guidelines that you need to follow so that you don’t make costly mistakes whenever you go shopping for fresh fish. Explained below are some of the top things worth considering when buying the fresh fish near me.

You need first to check the texture of fish when buying. The meat of the fish is supposed to be firm, wet and freshly cut with no dry spots. If the meet looks discolored, or the scales have ruffled appearance, move elsewhere and find another fish.

The other tip is that you need to be aware of the strong fishy smell. You need to check the smell of this product to make sure you are getting good quality fish. You might be tempted to think that the fish you buy should have a strong fishy smell but a strong smell may be a sign that the fish has gone beyond its prime. You need instead to look for a fish that smells like seawater or cucumber.

It is also crucial to take a close look at the eyes of the fish before buying it. If you are purchasing a whole fish, it will be important to look closely at their eyes. If their eyes look crystal clear, plump, moist and glittering, this means that it is healthy and fresh. And if they look cloudy, sunken or dry, there is a doubt if the fish is truly fresh.

You should not be afraid to ask questions when buying the fish. You need not be shy when asking the fishmongers some questions such as the place the fish is sourced from or could be wanting to know how to prepare it for dinner. There is nothing like stupid questions when it comes to shopping for fish.

Another point to note when buying fish is that you need to take it directly home after buying it. This will help you to keep your fish as fresh as possible. Learn more about seafood here: